GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification
This specification aims to provide an option for GraphQL clients to consistently handle pagination best practices with support for related metadata via a GraphQL server. This spec proposes calling this pattern "Connections" and exposing them in a standardized way.
In the query, the connection model provides a standard mechanism for slicing and paginating the result set.
In the response, the connection model provides a standard way of providing cursors, and a way of telling the client when more results are available.
An example of all four of those is the following query:
user {
friends(first: 10, after: "opaqueCursor") {
edges {
node {
pageInfo {
In this case, friends
is a connection. That query demonstrates the four
features described above:
- Slicing is done with the
argument tofriends
. This asks for the connection to return 10 friends. - Pagination is done with the
argument tofriends
. We passed in a cursor, so we asked for the server to return friends after that cursor. - For each edge in the connection, we asked for a cursor. This cursor
is an opaque string, and is precisely what we would pass to the
arg to paginate starting after this edge. - We asked for
; that will tell us if there are more edges available, or if we've reached the end of this connection.
This section of the spec describes the formal requirements around connections.
Reserved Types
A GraphQL server which conforms to this spec must reserve certain types and type names to support the pagination model of connections. In particular, this spec creates guidelines for the following types:
- Any object whose name ends in "Connection".
- An object named
Connection Types
Any type whose name ends in "Connection" is considered by this spec to be a Connection Type. Connection types must be an "Object" as defined in the "Type System" section of the GraphQL Specification.
Connection types must have fields named edges
and pageInfo
. They
may have additional fields related to the connection, as the schema
designer sees fit.
A "Connection Type" must contain a field called edges
. This field must
return a list type that wraps an edge type, where the requirements of an
edge type are defined in the "Edge Types" section below.
A "Connection Type" must contain a field called pageInfo
. This field
must return a non-null PageInfo
object, as defined in the "PageInfo" section
If ExampleConnection
existed in the type system, it would be a connection,
since its name ends in "Connection". If this connection's edge type was named
, then a server that correctly implements the above requirement
would accept the following introspection query, and return the provided
__type(name: "ExampleConnection") {
fields {
type {
ofType {
"data": {
"__type": {
"fields": [
// May contain other items
"name": "pageInfo",
"type": {
"name": null,
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"ofType": {
"name": "PageInfo",
"kind": "OBJECT"
"name": "edges",
"type": {
"name": null,
"kind": "LIST",
"ofType": {
"name": "ExampleEdge",
"kind": "OBJECT"
Edge Types
A type that is returned in list form by a connection type's edges
is considered by this spec to be an Edge Type. Edge types must be an "Object"
as defined in the "Type System" section of the GraphQL Specification.
Edge types must have fields named node
and cursor
. They
may have additional fields related to the edge, as the schema
designer sees fit.
An "Edge Type" must contain a field called node
. This field must return either
a Scalar, Enum, Object, Interface, Union, or a Non-Null wrapper around one of
those types. Notably, this field cannot return a list.
NOTE The naming echoes that of the "Node" interface and "node" root
field as described in a later section of this spec. Spec-compliant clients
can perform certain optimizations if this field returns an object that implements
, however, this is not a strict requirement for conforming.
An "Edge Type" must contain a field called cursor
. This field must return
a type that serializes as a String; this may be a String, a Non-Null
wrapper around a String, a custom scalar that serializes as a String, or a
Non-Null wrapper around a custom scalar that serializes as a String.
Whatever type this field returns will be referred to as the cursor type in the rest of this spec.
The result of this field should be considered opaque by the client, but will be passed back to the server as described in the "Arguments" section below.
If ExampleEdge
is an edge type in our schema, that returned "Example" objects,
then a server that correctly implements the above requirement would accept the
following introspection query, and return the provided response:
__type(name: "ExampleEdge") {
fields {
type {
ofType {
"data": {
"__type": {
"fields": [
// May contain other items
"name": "node",
"type": {
"name": "Example",
"kind": "OBJECT",
"ofType": null
"name": "cursor",
"type": {
// This shows the cursor type as String!, other types are possible
"name": null,
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"ofType": {
"name": "String",
"kind": "SCALAR"
A field that returns a Connection Type must include forward pagination arguments, backward pagination arguments, or both. These pagination arguments allow the client to slice the set of edges before it is returned.
Forward pagination arguments
To enable forward pagination, two arguments are required.
takes a non-negative integer.after
takes the cursor type as described in thecursor
field section.
The server should use those two arguments to modify the edges returned by
the connection, returning edges after the after
cursor, and returning at
most first
You should generally pass the cursor
of the last edge in the previous page for
Backward pagination arguments
To enable backward pagination, two arguments are required.
takes a non-negative integer.before
takes the cursor type as described in thecursor
field section.
The server should use those two arguments to modify the edges returned by
the connection, returning edges before the before
cursor, and returning at
most last
You should generally pass the cursor
of the first edge in the next page for
Edge order
You may order the edges however your business logic dictates, and may determine
the ordering based upon additional arguments not covered by this specification.
But the ordering must be consistent from page to page, and importantly,
The ordering of edges should be the same when using first
as when using
, all other arguments being equal. It should not be reversed when
using last
. More formally:
- When
before: cursor
is used, the edge closest tocursor
must come last in the resultedges
. - When
after: cursor
is used, the edge closest tocursor
must come first in the resultedges
Pagination algorithm
To determine what edges to return, the connection evaluates the
and after
cursors to filter the edges, then evaluates first
slice the edges, then last
to slice the edges.
NOTE Including a value for both first
and last
is strongly discouraged,
as it is likely to lead to confusing queries and results. The PageInfo
section goes into more detail here.
More formally:
EdgesToReturn(allEdges, before, after, first, last):
- Let {edges} be the result of calling {ApplyCursorsToEdges(allEdges, before, after)}.
- If {first} is set:
- If {first} is less than 0:
- Throw an error.
- If {edges} has length greater than {first}:
- Slice {edges} to be of length {first} by removing edges from the end of {edges}.
- If {first} is less than 0:
- If {last} is set:
- If {last} is less than 0:
- Throw an error.
- If {edges} has length greater than {last}:
- Slice {edges} to be of length {last} by removing edges from the start of {edges}.
- If {last} is less than 0:
- Return {edges}.
ApplyCursorsToEdges(allEdges, before, after):
- Initialize {edges} to be {allEdges}.
- If {after} is set:
- Let {afterEdge} be the edge in {edges} whose {cursor} is equal to the {after} argument.
- If {afterEdge} exists:
- Remove all elements of {edges} before and including {afterEdge}.
- If {before} is set:
- Let {beforeEdge} be the edge in {edges} whose {cursor} is equal to the {before} argument.
- If {beforeEdge} exists:
- Remove all elements of {edges} after and including {beforeEdge}.
- Return {edges}.
The server must provide a type called PageInfo
must contain fields hasPreviousPage
and hasNextPage
, both
of which return non-null booleans. It must also contain fields startCursor
and endCursor
, both of which return opaque strings. The fields
and endCursor
can be null if there are no results.
is used to indicate whether more edges exist prior to the set
defined by the clients arguments. If the client is paginating with
, then the server must return {true} if prior edges exist,
otherwise {false}. If the client is paginating with first
, then the
client may return {true} if edges prior to after
exist, if it can do so
efficiently, otherwise may return {false}. More formally:
HasPreviousPage(allEdges, before, after, first, last):
- If {last} is set:
- Let {edges} be the result of calling {ApplyCursorsToEdges(allEdges, before, after)}.
- If {edges} contains more than {last} elements return {true}, otherwise {false}.
- If {after} is set:
- If the server can efficiently determine that elements exist prior to {after}, return {true}.
- Return {false}.
is used to indicate whether more edges exist following the set
defined by the clients arguments. If the client is paginating with
, then the server must return {true} if further edges exist,
otherwise {false}. If the client is paginating with last
, then the
client may return {true} if edges further from before
exist, if it can do
so efficiently, otherwise may return {false}. More formally:
HasNextPage(allEdges, before, after, first, last):
- If {first} is set:
- Let {edges} be the result of calling {ApplyCursorsToEdges(allEdges, before, after)}.
- If {edges} contains more than {first} elements return {true}, otherwise {false}.
- If {before} is set:
- If the server can efficiently determine that elements exist following {before}, return {true}.
- Return {false}.
NOTE When both first
and last
are included, both of the fields should be set
according to the above algorithms, but their meaning as it relates to pagination
becomes unclear. This is among the reasons that pagination with both first
is discouraged.
and endCursor
must be the cursors corresponding to the first and
last nodes in edges
, respectively.
NOTE As this spec was created with Relay Classic in mind, it's worth noting that
Relay Legacy did not define startCursor
and endCursor
, and relied on
selecting the cursor
of each edge; Relay Modern began selecting
and endCursor
instead to save bandwidth (since it doesn't use any
cursors in between).
A server that correctly implements the above requirement would accept the following introspection query, and return the provided response:
__type(name: "PageInfo") {
fields {
type {
ofType {
"data": {
"__type": {
"fields": [
// May contain other fields.
"name": "hasNextPage",
"type": {
"name": null,
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"ofType": {
"name": "Boolean",
"kind": "SCALAR"
"name": "hasPreviousPage",
"type": {
"name": null,
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"ofType": {
"name": "Boolean",
"kind": "SCALAR"
"name": "startCursor",
"type": {
"name": "String",
"kind": "SCALAR",
"ofType": null
"name": "endCursor",
"type": {
"name": "String",
"kind": "SCALAR",
"ofType": null